Leverett Absorbs Dunster in Agar.io-style Gambit

Who said Flash games are dead? This weekend, Leverett House turned into a gelatinous sphere and swallowed Dunster House, just like in Agar.io.
With its long-standing reputation as Harvard’s largest house, Leverett decided it was hungry for more. On Sunday, the House grew from around 500 students to 800 by absorbing Dunster.
“Dunster did all that it could, but Leverett’s gelatinous blob was far bigger than our house. So they ate us and we all became part of Leverett House.” shared one new Leverett student. “I like Leverett more than Dunster. It’s rounder, and full of delicious cytoplasm.”
The House Deans have not announced plans for any future absorptions, but inside sources indicate that Mather is next on the table for consumption.
Longtime Flyby readers will be reminded of the time Wigglesworth turned into a snake and surrounded The Inn in a Slither.io-style gambit. However, the move made by Leverett House far surpasses any web-game related dormitory consumption in Harvard history.
If devoured, several freshman dorms say they intend to file a suit for spawn-camping.